
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

#EdBlogADay: 3 Important Things to Remember at the EOY

The end of the (school) year is upon us and I'm in shock. Some people call it result of age: that the years seem to fly by quicker each passing year. I'm in denial about that birthday is fast approaching and I'm pretty sure I'm turning 21 yet again this year. Regardless, we have only 21 days left of the year. A month, yet when counted in only days, it makes even the most experienced teacher much to still do, so little time... With that in mind here are three important things to remember about the End of the Year.

1) You are a great teacher and you have done enough.
     Not to say you won't still pack in plenty of learning in the last 21 days, we will, but don't feel like 
     the kids lives depend on it- you've spent a year teaching what was needed.

2) Relationships matter.
    What's most important is to continue letting the kids know that what matters most is them and the
    time left in class will continue to honor that.

3)  Have Fun!
     Life is meant to be lived. Experiences are the best teachers. Take that Field Trip or two. Enjoy a 
     day at the park, a day at the library, whatever gets you out of the class and makes memories with
     your kiddos.

Well that's it! Profound? No. True? Yes. When the craziness of the end of the year starts to freak you out, remember back to your own experience at school. What did your teachers do that you loved?
Whatever that was, do that.


  1. Karen,
    I have twenty days left! I'm excited to have some fun and make some memories, as well as learning more with my kindergarteners. Thanks for the encouragement. I don't think I've done enough, but I will continue to love them and show them that.

    Take care and best wishes for a strong finish for you and your kinders,


  2. Karen,
    I have twenty days left! I'm excited to have some fun and make some memories, as well as learning more with my kindergarteners. Thanks for the encouragement. I don't think I've done enough, but I will continue to love them and show them that.

    Take care and best wishes for a strong finish for you and your kinders,

